Funny Little Knitted Things in My Head

Yesterday was Monday, and in my life that now means Weight Watchers night.  I missed two meetings – the first when I visited my daughter, the second for the icy weather last week.  (Were we really worrying about icy roads one week ago, and it’s 72 degrees today?)  The crowds from the first of the year seem to be thinning out, one clear measure of the half-life of a New Year’s resolution.  I guarantee I did not lose a pound while I was out of town, so I was thrilled to find I’d lost 4.4 oounds since my last weigh-in.  The total is 12 and counting.  I can feel the difference.


I am back in the realm of medication side effects.  Remember when I tried to wean off Cymbalta last year, and had the awful brain-shaking side effect?  Well, I’m at it again.  I had resumed Cymbalta at a lower dose last summer when I became severely depressed (my depression has always been extremely chemical).  Now that prescription costs $118 per month, after my prescription plan pays its part.  I’ve stopped the Cymbalta again to return to good old generic Prozac.  $4 versus $118.  Easy choice.  Cymbalta had some pain lessening effects, but not $114 worth.  The feeling of something being loose in my brain is back, but it’s not as bothersome.  Maybe side effects are only as bad as the amount of attention you can give them.  I happen to have other things on my mind (yes, pun intended). 


I’ve got some mailing and photographing to do, and haven’t even had breakfast and meds yet.  I started late because of  this:  It’s the Victoria and Albert Museum, which has a wonderful website with endless photos of interesting textile pieces.  I was glued to the knitting for an hour.  I keep trying to tell you there’s art in my soul!  Yes, I know, and rocks in my head.


Still Friday

I’ve been to Yarn Works and visited with Sandra, Christine, and Becky.  They showed me all the cool new stuff in the store, including quilted wall hangings in outrageous colour by Becky, and my favorite bamboo yarn, Plymouth Royal Bamboo, in a sultry, silky black.  They have all kinds of lovely handcrafted gifts for sale from fiber artists as far as South Africa and as close as Chattanooga’s Stacie Florer, the jeweler of Fox Hollow Jewelry (  I’m quite humbled* putting my baby sweaters and deconstructed scarves next to their beautiful pieces.  The studio was all decorated and ready for guests as there will be an OPEN HOUSE tomorrow, Saturday (12/08), from noon to 8 p.m.  Great fun!!

*One thing I wasn’t humble about was the beautiful handmade tags that Dayna made for my items.  Here’s a sample of them:

tinydaynastags.jpgEach tag is unique, and they are like tiny works of art. 

Okay, enough with the posting.  Time to work on Dayna’s blanket.  I’ll have an entire four-block strip completed before bedtime. 
